Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 104

Good morning! The little guy was ready for breakfast. He gets really excited when I put him in his high chair now. Bring on the oatmeal and bananas!

I guess he didn't like that bite.

Someone is supposed to be taking a nap.

Looks more like goofing off to me.

Well I finally got him down for a nap this afternoon and I was more than ready for it. I wasn't feeling so hot today so I took advantage and napped myself. Three glorious hours later and I felt like a new person.

And he was bursting with energy. He likes to stretch out on the couch with his head over the edge. He just likes to look around upside down. Silly boy.

And he's strong enough to raise his body up to about halfway sitting up on his own from that position. Abs of steel.

Things got a little fussy this evening and he was very unsatisfied with watching Survivor with me. It was a few hours of unpleasantness until it was time for bed. Then like clockwork, he passed out on my lap.
"I'm so glad that stupid Survivor show is over. I know who won, Daddy, but I won't tell since you haven't seen it yet. Goodnight!"

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