Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 112

This was the beginning of an extremely fussy, pukey day. We planned to go home today, but it didn't happen. Stuff got packed up so we should be able to leave tomorrow. As long as Mr. Crankypants lets me load up the truck.

I didn't actually get any pics of him being crabby so this representation of the day is a little deceiving. But trust me, he wasn't always this cute.

He has a new fixation: grabbing my glass to take a drink. OK, I know he really isn't drinking yet, but he sure tries to.

Just hanging out this evening bouncing and grabbing his toes.

"I'm kind of bored."
"Oh, hey. What's down there?"
"Oh. Just a pillow."
"I'm bored again."
Not bored anymore! 

I was trying to watch a movie over the noise of a fussing baby. Apparently constant bouncing on my lap and a camera flash was the cure I was seeking.

 I think watching Despicable Me put him to sleep.

"I got bored again. Goodnight, Daddy."

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